We are young athletes committed to keeping all young athletes in the game. Whether sidelined due to a serious injury, illness or lack of equipment, it is our goal to help young athletes obtain the resources they need to return to their sport. We believe sports build character, confidence and camaraderie and we want all young athletes to have the opportunity to play for life.
"Never say never because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion."
-Michael Jordan
"If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you."
-Fred Devito, Founder of Core Fusion

Chairmans Letter:
The sounds of competition are all around us, again. Athletes have rejoined their club and school teams and are enjoying their sports' mental and physical release. They are challenging themselves and feeling the excitement of returning to the game.
Support Young Athletes (SYA) is constantly changing as experienced members go off to college and new members learn the ropes. Coming out of the Pandemic, we lost a core group of members as they went off to college. SYA has worked hard to recruit new members that will continue to carry on the mission of helping injured or sick young athletes return to their sport.
Since our founding, SYA has had the honor of meeting young athletes who are facing the biggest challenges of their lives. These challenges have changed them, but they have not defeated them. The strength, courage, and positive outlook that shines through our beneficiaries have motivated SYA to do more and give more as an organization.
As we regain our momentum, the board of SYA has committed to coming back stronger. We are excited to welcome seven new Directors as well as new members to help with the 2021 efforts. With our renewed dedication and the hard work of each Director and Member, I know we will succeed in our mission. I look forward to leading SYA this year and having the opportunity to help more young athletes “Get Back in the Game.”